Launch event: Governance in Complexity report, 24 June 2024

EEA REPORT LAUNCH | ‘Governance in complexity: sustainability governance under highly uncertain and complex conditions’

Ruth Richardson, Executive Director at ASRA, will join Claire Dupont, Research Professor of European Governance and sustainability transformations, Ghent University; Laurent Bontoux, Senior Foresight for Policy Expert, EC-Joint Research Centre; and, Liselotte Jensen, Policy Analyst, European Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) for an interactive panel discussion about the nature of systemic and complex sustainability challenges and the knowledge inputs and governance responses needed to deal with them.

This event is supports the launch of the much-awaited EEA report ‘Governance in complexity: sustainability governance under highly uncertain and complex conditions’, and is co-hosted by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Centre for Governance in Complexity (ECGC).

Follow it on Zoom (no registration required):


24 June 2024

13.30-15.30 CET